Dear Sportsfans, Rockers and Foodies,
The Bottom of the Hill and DJ FOODCOURT would like to invite you to our first annual Stuper Bowl Party-Heavy Metal Chili Cook-Off Extravaganza to be held on February 1st (just by coincidence THE SAME DAY as the Super Bowl) beginning at 2pm.
It's very simple: We have finally voted an african american into office, the Arizona Cardinals are in their first ever Super Bowl so it is very clear that the earth has spun off its axis and the end is nigh. So lets have a free admission party while the Pittsburgh Steelers and Arizona Cardinals make all our betting dreams come true.
Here is the premise: Contestants will bring a crock pot full of chili which will be judged on content and the heavy metal name it is given. It will be judged by the crowd and by chili experts ( a vrtual melting pot of culinary experts) who obviously think they are better then the rest of us. DJ FOODCOURT will be spinning rawk faves leading up to kickoff (I wish there was some way I could play gay anthems like "We Will Rock You" by Queen, or "Rock and Roll Part II" by Gary Glitter, but I know most hardcore football fans just aren't that tolerant. I'm pretty sure Pittsburgh has a whole neighborhood called "Yes On 8").
At halftime, while Bruce Springsteen is shitting the bed in front of 45 billion people, we will award a winner based on best chili, best name, and best something else, which I cant remember.(NOTE: Pre-fabricated chili will not be tolerated and cheaters will be asked to leave the premises. This is called The Raider Nation Move because only a delusional meth head would try such a tactic). Awards will be given, high fives will be flyin, and alcohol will be flowin'.
This is an all ages event so feel free to bring the kids as long as they arent opinionated and dont keep asking the game to be switched to Dora the Explorer.
Did I mention that the game will be projected on a large screen, and that there will be drink specials and jello shots? No I didnt, but I just did.
Also, in the spirit of our new nation, we are asking people to bring a side dish as to make this one big pot luck Super Bowl party.
Hope to see you all there!
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