Exhibit A: This is a recent Birthday Card from my Mother
A wise man once noted that our civilization survives in the complacency of cowardly or malignant minds-a sacrifice to the vanity of aging adolescents, where excess is always a comfort and sometimes a career. DJ FOODCOURT knows these words all too well and they cut like a knife (reminder: pull Bryan Adams records). We all know there is nothing worse then being an aging young person and it becomes painfully apparent when ones balls hit the floor before their feet every morning. If only we could stay young forever. The mind is sharp, but the pain in my back is sharper.

Exhibit B: A Young Alcoholic Thinking She Has Her Whole Life Ahead of Her
The great Dale Carnegie once said "keep raging to stop the aging" (Look it up. I swear to god he did). I'm not sure what he did for a living, but I do know he has a great hall named after him where the band Chicago performed and recorded, so he must be full of wisdom despite his querstionable musical taste. These are words that DJ FOODCOURT has lived by, and one day will adorn his head stone (is that the correct term? It looks weird in print. I know its not grave pillow...), but alas, it is time to stop the raging and welcome the aging. I will still go kicking aginst the pricks (reminder: pull Nick Cave records), its just that my kicks will now be directed at their shins instead of their faces. I heard a very loud pop last time I raised my knee...

Exhibit C: Why Youth is Wasted on the Young
And finally, what DID happen to aging gracefully? It got old (these words were spoken by the great philosopher Miranda from Sex in the City. Granted, she had a cock in her mouth and the words were garbled, they still ring true). DJ FOODCOURT wants to age gracefully and thus is done dressing like a 12 year old and acting like a 25 year old on spring break. It is time to grow up and face the truth that aging is the only way to live a long life.
So please come out on June 15th and watch as I drink and consume everything that is put in front of me one last time, while I play records by people half my age, and celebrate the lifestyle that once was, but is now over.
That is until I do it all again next month.
What: DJ FOODCOURT Birthday Craptacular
Where: Casanova Lounge 9pm
When: Monday, June 15th, one day before my actual birthday, but it still counts socially
Whoa: Gifts aren't mandatory, but why the fuck would you show up at a birthday party empty handed?

A rare tiger with a receding hairline or a young FOODCOURT?
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