DJ FOODCOURT is back from spinning at the Promise Keepers fest in Marietta Georgia with new tunes and a new attitude.
Join me at 9pm on Monday September 21st at the sinful Casanova Lounge. I feel much closer to The Lord now, and I believe my set will reflect that. From Gods mouth to my ass, I will be bringing the joyous sounds of rock and roll with a new Christian flair. Race music is now out, for that leads to fornication. This will be my whitest and most non danceable set to date, and thats how Jesus and his bitches would want it.
Joining the divine DJ FOODCOURT will be DJ SPORK. He used to go by the name DJ Evil Justin but he has seen the light. I don't know much about his musical stylings because when I asked him what he was going to play, he just responded by saying “I like shiny things”. He then farted, smelled his fingers and drank his own pee. Pretty sure he's retarded which could make this one of the best nights yet. With the strength of a gorilla and a mind racing like a rat trapped in a coffee can, even Gods mistakes can be captivating behind a turntable.
Some things recently heard at DJ FOODCOURT'S last gig:
Girl: What song is this?
FOODCOURT: “Stop” by Howard Tate
G: Cool. Is this soul?
FC: Yes
G: If you buy me a shot I'll let you feel my baby kicking.
FC: Two Tequilas please.
Ed Hardy: What is this shit?
FC: Pavement “The Hexx”
EH: Its fucking downer music. You got any 3 Doors Down?
FC: No, but if you leave with your buddies, we'll be 3 douche's down.
Drunk Girl: Do you have any Howard Jones?
FC: No.
DG: I saw him once and he had a mime on a chain on stage.
FC: Please fucking leave.
Drunk Girl II: This music sucks. Are you the DJ?
FC: No.
DGII: Why are you standing behind the turntables?
FC: I'm autistic.
DGII: That sucks.
FC: Its not so bad. At least I'm not a dumb cunt.
DGII: Do you know when the DJ will be back?
DJ FOODCOURT and DJ SPORK Monday September 21st 9pm Casanova Lounge. Free!
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